Get Out of Your Rut and Get Some Fresh-Air Fitness
It’s so easy to get caught in a rut. As routine oriented as humans are, we sometimes find ourselves going to the gym, day in and day out, ultimately leading us to feel bored, tired, and in the worst cases, like quitting. This outdoor workout is designed to provide you with a simple way to get out and enjoy the weather and break it up from the monotony of the gym.
Since these are body weight movements, it’s not recommended to replace more than 1-2 days per week with these workouts. Give this workout a try in this order for a quick, high-intensity cardio burn that not only recruits some new muscle fibers but burns up some of that subcutaneous fat as well!
Warm Up: Find some good stairs (or at least a hill) and run up them for 3 minutes
Glute and Hip Flexor Stretch: Press up against a bench and step into a lunge position and stretch10x10
Pushups: 10 pushups, rest for 10 seconds, 10 pushups, rest for 10 seconds (repeat for 10 total sets of 10)
30-Second Interval runs: 30 seconds on, 1-minute rest for 5 total
10×10 Pushups: 10 pushups, rest for 10 seconds, 10 pushups, rest for 10 seconds (repeat for 10 total sets of 10)
30-Second Interval Runs: 30 seconds on, 1-minute rest for 5 total rotations
Pull-Ups: Do as many as possible, rest 1 minute, then do as many reps as possible
Step Ups Superset with Jogging: Bodyweight step ups, 30 reps single leg, jog for 60 seconds, repeat with the other leg for 30 reps (repeat this total cycle for 3 rotations)
Single Leg Hamstring Stretch: Hold for 60 seconds each leg
Now you’ve got it! A quick cardio variation that gets you outside! It doesn’t look like much, but it’s a great way to spice it up, break out of your rut, and get the most out of your workout!